723rd Railway Operating Battalion

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Letter and Survey sent to all members listed in the September 1998 association roster. 
Sorry, but the roster is not available to non 723rd R.O.B. ASSN. members.
June 16, 1999
Dear Mr. ________, 

     Hello, my name is Robert Hill and I am an associate member of the 723rd ROB Association.  I hope to find you in Good Health and if that's not possible, then Good Spirits.  I have just completed my first full semester of college after retiring from the U.S. Army.  I have already purchased a plane ticket for San Antonio and plan to attend the reunion in September. 
     I have written this letter for a couple of reasons, the first being to let you know that the 723rd ROB is on the Internet.  The purpose of the web site is to let your children, grandchildren and the public know what you did during the war.  The web site is small right now; it consists of portions of the SAGA and three unit photos. I have some other pictures to add later, including some I took at the 51st Reunion in Harrisburg. If you view the web site and have any comments you can either email me write me a note.  The web site address is:     http://www.members.tripod.com/USMRR/  and click on the little locomotive for the 723rd page and my email address is :  hillrwh@brookings.net 
     The second reason is for a little assistance in a college project I am working on. As I mentioned earlier, I am attending college at South Dakota State University and I am in the process of preparing a college term paper.  The subject of the paper is the 723rd ROB.  I plan to map out where you gentlemen came from in 1944 and where you ended up 55 years later in 1999.  I have attached a questionnaire behind this page. It asks a few questions, related to the college project.  I have enclosed an envelope for the return of the questionnaire.  If you do not wish to participate I will understand. Please use the envelope for your own use, that is why I did not put my address in the to block. Thank you for any assistance that you provide in this matter. 
     In closing, I would like to thank the 723rd ROB for allowing me the honor to be an associate member and I wish the best for all of you. 

Yours Truly, 

     Robert W. Hill 
                      723rd Associate Member


723rd Railway Operating Battalion 

Geographical Research Questionnaire

PLACE ENTERED ARMY?_____________________________________________. 

MILITARY UNIT(s)?  723RD,__________________,____________________,______________________. 

MILITARY OCCUPATION(s)?__________________________________________. 

                                              BEFORE WWII:___________________________________________________. 

                                              AFTER WWII:____________________________________________________. 

                                                                                    Did the G.I. Bill assist you? YES / NO 

PLACE RETIRED?__________________________________________. 

WHY THERE?    RAISED IN AREA                  FAMILY TIES                    HEALTH 

CLIMATE                JOB                 OTHER____________________________________________________. 



Please do not put your name on this form, see note below.

Note:  This information will be for a research paper for a college class that I will be taking. 
No names will be used and you can be assured of complete privacy.

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